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How to Apply as A Caregiver in Israel

If you’ve considered working overseas at some point, you’d also wonder what sort of work you can do, not to mention how to get started. The tricky part is finding an industry that isn’t saturated yet so that you won’t have too much trouble finding work once you decide on a country to work in. This can be easier said than done, but not impossible.

In Israel, for example, there is a high demand for caregivers — Filipino caregivers, in particular. In fact, there’s a government-to-government program between the Philippines and Israel, enabling caregivers to apply and be deployed to the latter country without paying any placement fees. If you believe you can handle being a caregiver, here’s what you need to know.

The Qualifications

To qualify, individuals who are planning to apply as caregivers in Israel need to:

1. Be at least 23 years old.

Things can get complicated for both you and your employer if you’re younger than that.

2. Be at least 1.5 meters tall and weigh at least 45 kilograms.

While not very labor-intensive, caregivers need to be able to handle the people they’re caring for, hence the height and weight requirement.

3. Be physically and mentally fit.

You need to be able to look after yourself before you can start caring for someone.

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4. Be able to communicate effectively in English.

Without effective English communication skills, you may have difficulty carrying out your tasks and really understanding what your charges want or need.

5. Have a clear NBI record.

This is a necessary precaution, as this means you’re a law-abiding citizen and aren’t involved in any pending or ongoing criminal cases.

6.Complete at least 10 years of schooling.

While a college degree isn’t necessary, you’d still have to have some education. This is true for many jobs, not just caregiving.

7. Be a first-time applicant to work in Israel.

If you’ve worked as a caregiver anywhere else but Israel, you’d still be eligible for the government-to-government program. You should also not have any parents, spouse, or children currently working in the same country, as Israel is aiming to prevent undocumented workers. Siblings, however, may work in the same country.

8. Have a TESDA NCII Caregiver Certificate.

This shows that you’ve successfully completed 760 hours of relevant training and passed any necessary exams. As a certified caregiver, you are eligible for overseas placement.

If you’ve graduated from a 4-year nursing or physical therapy course, however, you don’t need any training. However, you still need to undergo assessment in order to obtain a TESDA certificate. On the other hand, if you’ve worked as a caregiver within the last two years before your application, then you’ll need neither training nor assessment.

The Procedure

Once you meet the eligibility requirements, you can begin your application as a caregiver in Israel. The procedure can be broken down into the following steps.

1. Register online. Visit the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration’s (POEA’s) E-registration page to do so. You’ll need a printout of your registration form later on.

2. Personally submit your application to the POEA. You’ll have to set an appointment to do so. Even if this seems inconvenient, it’s a necessary precaution because the requirements involve your personal information.

3. Have an interview at the POEA. Just as with any job application, there will be an interview. At this point, they’ll be evaluating your application, too.

4. Receive your Land-Based Worker Registration Card. Also known as a “blue card”, this signifies that you’ve already had your interview and your application was approved. It also means that you’re ready to undergo orientation.

5. Be briefed before your departure. This doesn’t mean the briefing happens the same day as your flight. Whenever it happens, though, make sure to attend. The briefing will cover any important information you need to know, including where you’ll be working as a caregiver. 

Other Things to Note

There are requirements besides the TESDA certificate. As mentioned earlier, you’ll also need a printout of your E-registration; a certificate showing you attended a pre-Employment seminar; a copy of your birth certificate, driver’s license, postal ID, or UMID ID; and a scanned copy of the data page of your passport. This last one needs to be valid for at least three years. In addition, you’ll want to check with Israel’s Population Immigration and Border Authority, or PIBA, for any other requirements.

Caregivers in Israel typically have contracts that last 5 years, although these may be extended if the employer wants to continue working with a certain caregiver. If you’re the type to become homesick, you can rest assured that you may visit the Philippines every year, as long as you can afford the airfare and other expenses. Overseas workers are still expected to shoulder their expenses when visiting their home country, government-to-government program or not.

We understand the list of qualifications, requirements, and the procedure may seem confusing or intimidating. However, they’re necessary if you want to legally work in Israel as a caregiver. Also, if helping others is rewarding work for you, this job is at least worth considering.

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